★★....So the last couple of months have definitely been a roller coaster ride for me...to say the least ★ ★
Saturday, December 5, 2009
☮☮Filling In the Blanks☮☮
Posted by MissInformative at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
What Makes You A Whore?????
Posted by MissInformative at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Random Saturdayy Post
Posted by MissInformative at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Last Night
Heyyy Guysss....I am posting a poem of mine....excuse the format I am once again posting via LG Voyager :-(....Feel free to comment...enjoyy...the poem is titled"Last Night"....................................................................................................Last Night you held me tighter than I have ever been held before...Loved me stronger than anyone has before...You did things to me I never could imagine....The kisses we shared so gentle and moist....You brought the ocean to the shore....Preparing me for the long ride ahead...I close my eyes ready for you to give it all to me...You open the door ever so slightly...Teasing Me...I tell you come all the wayy in and you do ending my hunger....You pace yourself careful to hit my spot with wach steady movement....You pick up the pace...and my breathing gets heavier....You stop to whisper "i love you"....To weak and dazed to speak my eyes tell you " I love you too"....We continue our journey together....I match every stroke with the same passion...We blank out and experience the greates thing ever felt...Once I gain my strength I climb into your arms....&& rest....You kiss my forehead...&& I fall asleep....knowing that we will never be...but we keep lying to each other telling ourselves this is the LAST NIGHT!
Posted by MissInformative at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
hey readers....today's freaky fridayy post will be posted 2morrow...I'm havn problems opening up my email account so look out 4 it 2morrow...:-)
Posted by MissInformative at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Throwback Tale Thursdayy <3
Posted by MissInformative at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
♥♔ ☮Monday Thoughts ☮♔♥
I asked two guys in my neighborhood what they preferred and what they disliked….
Question 1:…First thing that attracts you to a woman
B: Pretty Ass Eyes
B.J: Light Skin( I will get into that later)
Question 2:…Booty or Beauty?
B: Ass
B.J: Both…( I told hys ass to onli pic one)
Querstion 3:…What is a dime?
B: A light skin redbone
B:J Thick ass redbone!!!!
Question 4:…Why lightskin???
B: Because light skin chicks just look better
B.J: They always have prettier faces
Okayyy so after they answered the questions the way they did I ended the Q& A session because I began to take offense to it especially since I am a brown skin chick…So my next question to them was if they found me attractive and they said yes but I am one of few decent brown women…I try not to deal with skin color on this site but this reali urked me!!!! So my next project will consist of me investigating why black men are infatuated with lighter complexioned women ( no offense to my lighter skin women…Black is beautiful…Period!!!
Okayy on to the other guys…So me and the guys I mentioned in the beginning of the post were talking about girls and I brought up…
Wetness Malfunction: When a girl can’t get wet…Which I believe is from having to many sexual partners (which dried her out)…Wetness Malfunction is similar to when a guy has an orgasm but does not come because he is worn out….I will admit some girls have always struggled from getting wet but if your girl all of a sudden can’t get it juicy for you…You should reali have some ??????’s
To Be Continued…My finger hurts…
Outspoken Goddess
Posted by MissInformative at 12:26 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
★Freaky Fridayy★
The weirdest place you have ever had sex? The weirdest place I ever had sex was in a Macy's dressing room with my bestfriend&&yes it is a girl :-)
Most amount of people you have been engaged with sexually @ one time??? 7 we had an orgy at a friend's place...Guys were with Guys &Chik with Chiks
Would You take it in the ass (female&&male)???Hell Yeah..I have many times...but the shit does make your ass loose
Go down on the same sex??? Yes I have ate plenty of pussy and let's just sayy its kind of an addiction :-0
Posted by MissInformative at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
☮♔★Throwback Tell Thurdayy★♔☮
Heyyyy Readers....It's Throwback Tale Thursdayy...Okayy So this post comes from a 22 yr old women...who remains nameless...I ಌ this story!!!!
What's up Miss Informative?????? Okay so I lost my virginity at 20 yrs old (kinda late rite?) My first was a guy name Jeremy. We both attended college in NC together. Jeremy was 6'3 Caramel complexion with thick locs of black curls and big pretty eyes that just melted my heart. Jeremy and I dated a year before we decided to take it to the next level...One night he came over to my dorm and we ordered pizza and watched my favorite movie Clueless lol...So we continued to chat it up as usual...but then he flipped the channel to Cinemax and of course there was some porn on...He asked me did I like what I saw( a white man eating a lady out) I said yeah...So he told me to lay back I nervously did so...He pulled down my shorts and undies and started to EAT ME OUT lol :-) ( i'm such a goof)...He did that for about 10 mins...I didn't come but it did feel good...He asked me if I wanted to suck him up....I did...I know I didn't do it right cuz he def didn't cum :-(...He told me to lie further up on the bed...I did...He asked me if I was ready...I said yeah even thought I was scared as fuk!!!...He entered me and I gasped...That Ish hurt like fucking hell!!!!! I cried LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!...After about 5 mins it started to feel good but as soon as it started to feel good he came...He and I talked for another year and eventually parted wayys..he's still a friend lol ;-)
* Aww...stories like this make me wish I would have waited
Posted by MissInformative at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Throwback Tale Thursdayy
Friday, July 10, 2009
ಌಌFreaky Fridayyಌಌ
Posted by MissInformative at 2:12 PM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
☆☆Throwback Tale Thursdayy☆☆
Posted by MissInformative at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
☆☆Poerty&& Erotic Storyy Wednesdayy★★
Posted by MissInformative at 1:56 PM
Labels: Erotic Poetry/Stories Wednesdayy
Monday, July 6, 2009
ಌWhy is it so hard to be faithful?ಌ
Posted by MissInformative at 2:13 PM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Have You Ever Had It Put On You So Good!!! That you couldn't....

Posted by MissInformative at 12:03 PM
Labels: Mindblowing Sex lol
Hey Readers…What’s up???... Sorry about my postings being so slow…I want my post to be well put together…I just don’t want to put any bullshyt up lol J…So over the weekend and yesterday…I thought about what my next post should be about!&& I came up with backstabbing friends!!!
My EX-best friend and I have known each other since Kindergarten…She and I have been through hell and back together…being each other’s support systems along the way…She and I fell out recently over some he say, she say bullshyt!...Anyways to give you some background on the story…She began dating a guy that neither her mother or grandmother approved of…She has been physically abused and verbally abused by him…I gave up on the whole situation up…until she came to visit me last Thursday…She and I had what I thought was a decent conversation…Anyways somehow it got back to the guys mother that I had said some bull about her only coming around because her nigga was on jail…1.) I could give a rat’s ass about their ghetto ass drama!!!!&&hood ass stories! 2.) I try not to keep drama in my daily routine (I burn a black candle every morning to keep the negativity away). But what really made my blood boil was the fact that she had lied on several of my family members…&& had the nerve to tell me that she didn’t like them…I don’t know what kind of family that bitch came from but my family and I stick together…We may have our own arguments but when it gets down to it…We are there for each other!...But since her nigga is a small time drug dealer( only sells weed…probably grossing a messily $300 a week[better off with a job]) she thinks she is hard…but like I have told her and man y other people…A nigga doesn’t make you hard!!!>>>You Just His Bitch! I’m not the hardest person in the world and I won’t flex about bullshyt like that either…My reputation is all ME!...People know how far to go with me cause of what I represent not some nigga…So my message to all my wonderful readers is to keep your eyes open for trifling tramps… L lol
Outspoken Goddess
Posted by MissInformative at 11:56 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
:-( :-(
I would like to sayy RIP Michael Jackson...He was truly the best...He was definitely my favorite Pop artist...I cried and cried...I prayy for hys family...especially hys children... :-(
Follow Me on Twitter...twitter.com/iciaantica
Posted by MissInformative at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
♫☮☻Throwback Tale Thursdayyy♫☮☻
Hello all my readers...Sorry that I haven't posted in a while...I have been getting stuff together for fall semester...As you know last week I sent out a request for throwback tales...I received a few and I have selected one...Continue to send stories questions and things you want posted to outspokengoddess@gmail.com
Hello Outspoken!!! I love your blog. You keep everything so real :-). Anyways, my story took place when I was 18(I'm 22 now)
Okay so I met James when I was 18 at a local club. He was extremely attractive! Around 6'2 160. Anyways he and I got to talking and before you knew it he and were grinding in the club...He took me back to his place and it was on. Dude sucked my nipples like a champ(they were sore the next day tho)&&ate my pussy even better!...And the sex was even better...His stroke game was on point!..That was my first one night stand I never heard from James again...I don't even believe James was his real name. But anyways 2 months later I had no period. I was pregnant! Here I was 18 years old in college and pregnant...I gave birth to a baby boy&& I regret that night everyday of my life. I thank god for my son though(he is my strength)...But its soooo hard telling my son that I don't know who his dad is. So here is some advice for the girlies!!!!! Make sure the nigga straps up&& be careful with your life. You only have one! Don't make life altering decisions without thinking them through!!!!
Posted by MissInformative at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Throwback Tale Thursdayy
Friday, June 12, 2009
☮♥Random Ish☮♥
So anyways these last couple of dayys have been very hectic for me....1. I have a new guyy in my life that i mentioned in a previous post(nothing serious yet{fingers crossed})...2. My Ex is trying to wiggle hys wayy back into my life[not going to happen]...3. My other is trying to sabotage my new potential romance{punk ass}...4.&& Dumb Bitches annoying the shyt out of me thinking they are hard!!!! Ughhh lol...
1. The New Guy In my Life ♥...Okayy so one of besties put me in contact with a guyy...who I kinda knew through my ex boyfriend lol{hys ex-best friend}...He and I start texting each other and the chemistry was immediately there...I am a sucker for guyy with a great sense of humor :-)...and it doesn't hurt that he is easy on the eyes...dark skin guyys with Mohawks my weakness...yummmm lol :-)...So anyways he and I eventually talked on the phone...I have fallen in love with hys voice...It's something about guyys with Florida accents and the not too deep but not too high voice...we have only been talking for 2 weeks and half but I know there is so much potential for a deep relationship there..but unfortunately both of us are heading off to college he is staying here in GA and I am venturing of to AL...but if he is willing to give it a go...hell I am down...some niggas are too fine to pass up :-)
2. My ex-boyfriend...i mentioned hym in a previous post where I discussesd my cheating on hym...well...anyways he and I are done...After hearing about hys lies and cheating...&& also that he might be a bisexual which I can totally believe...{he loved hym some prada and gucci..hmmm}...So anyways I received a text from hym...basically he expressed that he couldn't imagine hyslife without me..So I'm thinking..."BULLSHIT" lol...But you know it kills me...It seems like everytime you find a new guyy...an ex-boyfriend always finds hys wayy back into your life...I WONDER WHY????? Hmmmm.
3.So my bitch as fucking ex!!!!!.....As I mentioned in the first post...My current suitor and ex were best friends...so i told my ex about me and the new guyy...he acted as though he was cool about it...BUT HE WASN'T...So how about he had the nerve to tell the new guyy not to kiss me and alwayys strap up....I was totally thinking...you we're literally at my house hours before trying to get some...So....Ughhh I'm done with that ish...
4.) Bitch Ass Females...So I have these friend from a sheltered environment and she recently got involved with this thug{punk as thug}!!...&& now she just thinks she's some kind of bad ass....So i'm totally like at the point where I want to kick her ass....Now i'm not the hardest chick on the planet but i come from a family where i was taught how to fight and how to handle myself&&i just hate when a bitch has to go around and flex prtending to be hard..cause that's when I feel like I have to step in and show you what hard is...but anywayys I just had to get that off of my chest
Peace..Love U All...TGIF
Outspoken Goddess
Posted by MissInformative at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
☮♥ Questions for Readers☮♥ && shyt that has been on mind!!!! :-)
outspokengoddess@gmail.com (remember to send in questions and comments)
Heyy guyyys....Sorry about the last couple of post...I had been updating from my phone...ughh lol...Anyways I have a couple questions for you guyys&&gurls...and a couple of stories to share :-)...some of my own and some from friends and followers...;-)....
Okayy here is a personal story of mine...I had become sexually involved with someone older( 4 yrs older)...which is a hell of a difference for an 18 yr old lol...Anyways he and I had sex a couple of times...the sex wasn't the usual "fuck" type of sex...It was the complete thing...kissing...sucking...eating...fucking...&&even the "cuddling and talking" after the sex....I developed feeling for him...but i recently cut-off all involvements with hym since he does have a girlfriend...and I am trying to get serious with this new guyy in my life*Yay, I have a new potential boyfriend lol*...i have been contemplating rather I should get back into that situation or not...The sex was truly amazing and the chemistry was there....But I'm scared that i will fall for hym...and as we all know he is not going to leave his girlfriend for no fuck...not even for the girl that was special enough for him to go down on and kiss passionately on the lips....Ughhh HELP PLEASE!!!...&& Please don't bash me for fucking some one's man...
Story 2
Okayy one of my good friend wanted me to post this story&& question.....
I was talking to my friend last night and she and I got on the subject of dope boys...She has a rule she only fucks dope boys&&"gangsters" (most of them are flexers in my opinion)...But anyways she told me that dope boys and gangsters make better fucks because they have more anger suppressed and are ready to release it...I laughed at her theory matter as fact I am still laughing....I have never really been attracted to the dope boy or gangster guyys(I have had a couple)...the ones I dated I never fucked...Hell I didn't have time to wait for you to get out the streets or time to worry bout you while you were grinding...So I want to hear your stories....and experiences with gangsters/dopeboys lol
Story 3
Hey Outspoken Goddess. I am 17 years old I have been with 12 guyys and I read your previous post about guyys considering you a whore after you have been with 15. I am not a whore I just love sex!!! What is your opinion on me?
Okayy, remember my opinion is just that MY OPINION....I would sayy I don't consider you a whore but you are on the verge of being "ripped out"...Slow Down!!!! ASAP...Sex is good!!!....But it's too many diseases out here for you to be fucking so many people...I myself have been with onli a couple of guyys and I had to catch myself&&tell myself to slow down...no one wants to marry someone with no walls....Take a break from sex...And pick people worthy of you...I would love if you chose one or two guyys that you could fuck on a constant basis that wayy you won't be too out there....but gurly just be safe...CONDOMS....CONDOMS....CONDOMS!!!!!!!
Questions for the Readers.....
1.) How many inches is the perfect dick???(length&&width)
2.)Do you want a chick cleanly shaven????
3.)What cup size is the perfect size for a woman???
4.) Breast or Ass???
5.) Thick Dick or Long Dick????
6.) Money or Sexiness????
7.)&& A Thick Chick or Skinny Chick....or Built or Skinny Man????
Posted by MissInformative at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
<3 ANAL SEX <3 :-0
Okayyy, last nite I was chilling with a few girl friends of mine...We got on the topic of sex&& i brought up a guyy asking if he could stick his finger in my ass while he's fuckn me from the back lol...If it isn't obvious yet...I ddnt let hym do it..I was kinda repulsed&&scared lol...I jus neva understood what kind of sensation u could get out of bein ass fucked&& after reading the Jim Jones story on Tales From A Groupie(one of my favs)...I was even more creeped out...Im all for tryn new shyt...but not if it causes pain...ughhh lol...My friends have told me tht it doesn't hurt&&it doesn't feel like anything...So what is the point???...If a guyy wants to have anal sex is he gayy???...&& When you've been fucked in the ass...Can you get up and face someone with same pide???...Let me know what you think or have experienced....I need advice/answers before I venture into this lol....outspokengoddess@gmail.com :-)...............<3.......<3.......<3................ Peace...Outspoken Goddess
Posted by MissInformative at 10:42 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
☮♥Tips for the Ladies!!!!!!!! ☮♥
Okayy ladies,ladies,ladies....My close guyy friends have been giving us heat...I was talking to my best friend yesterday and he was telling me how we have been slipping!!!...I was totally thrown...I haven't been slipping...Have You???....Cuz one woman's actions affect us all lol....Here is the list that my friend made...along with my comments of course
* Make sure your pussy is clean!!!!!...Okay ladies you know this is a must...as women we have t watch this...we get to jumping around and stuff and the coochie gets sweaty and a little funky...so we have to freshen up regularly...Cuz the fishy odor will creep up
*Make sure your undergarments match or at least the same color....Okayy i don't always wear matching sets but I am gonna be color coordinated...make sure you are matching...niggas look....&&theyy will get turned off of they see holes,string...and god forbid shit stains!!
*Make sure you aren't sweaty..When I'm licking your body I don't want to taste salt....Ladies keep it fresh!!!
*Let us know before we pull your hair that it is weave...LMAO ladies don't forget to tell him...cuz you will be riding home with half of ya shit missing...but if you are like me and don't like people's hands in your head...You don't have to worry lol
* Last but not least...Make sure you breath is on point.........Ladies keep some gum and breath mint...I always carry some gum..hell its only a quarter&&if that doesn't work see the doctor lol
Outspoken Goddess :)
Posted by MissInformative at 2:30 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
♫☻Sexual Myths and Stories☻♫
*remember to send in questions and stories to outspokengoddess@gmail.com♥
Okayy over the weekend I did a lot of research...I hung out with a couple of my male friends and theyy let me in their world for a couple dayys... here are a few things that theyy let me know...
*A guyy considers a girl ripped out if she has had more tham 15 partners(keep it under 15 ladies)
* Theyy conduct ear-wax test....to elaborate....they dig in their ears and if you jump back you have an open wound in your...perhaps an STD.
*Theyy do an armpit test...If ur pits stank 9 times out of ten your pussy stinks lol
Posted by MissInformative at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
♥♥☮Tips for Having a Healthy Sexual Relationship♥♥☮
Okayyy i know you're probably thinking how can a 18 year old give tips on sex and sexual relationships...but to answer that question...I'm not a whore or anything...I do read a lot of books and I do experiment lol...but after all it is just advice!!!...So you take from it what you wantt
Let me start of by saying that I'm not what you would call a relationship person...I do have a boyfriend but he knows I have slipped up and cheated on him...&& i do feel bad that I did cheat...but it's so hard being serious at 18...cuz there is so much for you to explore and see...Every dick is not the same...&& its nice to try them out lol...but let me sayy this PROTECT YOURSELVES!!! Safety is very important I'm the girl that carries her own condoms and puts them on...just as girls jimmy condoms...guyys do that as well!!!&& Let me sayy abstinence is cool...but it isn't for everyone...I'm not a religious person therefore I don't believe you're going to burn in hell for all eternity! But heyy to each is own :) With that said, let's get into it!!!!
Tip 1: Make sure your partner understands what you like and what you don't like.
Tip 2: Make sure he or she is game for anything before doing it...It can really ruin a situation!
Tip 3: Be upfront...Honesty is the best policy!!! Lying can put you in sticky situations.
Tip 4: Don't be scared to perform oral sex...This is for male and females!!!(Guyys especially) FYI guyys women are more likely to come from you eating her out than you banging her back out and if you are into pleasing go for it&&for you stingy son of bitches that get yours and only aim to please yourself...Think about how you would feel if a girl got hers and left your dick hard and your balls blue!!!&& Ladies there are guys out there who enjoyy getting there dick sucked more so than banging pussy...Get your head game together or find someone that isn't into oral.
Tip 5: All the dirtyy talk is not necessary most girls find it creepy and a huge turn off...if you're not dealing with a toal nympho...I suggest you don't do it!
Tip 6: Women just don't lie there! Move around...Make sounds!!!..If ypu don't he might as well be fucking a corpse,right?
Tip 7: Experiment...There are other positions out there...besides missionary, doggy-style, and cowgirl/reverse cowgirl!!!!!
Tip 8: Be open minded when it comes to penis size! I know you mite like when he stokes it deep inside and you feel it in your stomach...but ladies our g-spot isn't that far back! If a dude has a decent dick and stroke game he can get you to ecstasty just as well as the brother that's packing steel!
...Feel free to comment or write to me @ ouspokengoddess@gmail.com
Peace and Blessings Muah♥♥☮,
Outpoken Goddess
Posted by MissInformative at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
♥Questions From Readers♥
Okay....I received a couple of questions over the Memorial Day break...Here theyy are...☻
Q: Yesterday I was with my boyfriend and we had sex. He told me there was something weird about my "insides". Truth is I cheated on him and I was wondering, if a guy can tell if you have cheated on him?
A: I would say yes. As we know the vagina(hate that word) becomes loose the more you fuck. So depending on when you cheated there is a strong possibility that he knew....But i will say this as a cheater...Do not rat yourself out playy it cool...&& ask what he meant by weird lol
Q: My boyfriend of a week and I had sex for the first time a couple days ago. Neither one of us were virgins. He came rather quickly( tho he said it had only been two weeks since he fucked). What can I do to prevent him from cumming so quickly?
A: Well idk if you are into fellatio or not....but i suggest you give him oral(protected of course) and just when he is about to nut stop. You can usually tell when he about to nut because hys body will usually shake and hys ass will tighten lol...
Q: I am 17 and so ready to lose my virginty but I am scared that my boyfriend will not respect me and no one will want to fuck me.
A: Okayy well I was 17 years old when I lost my virginity to my then boyfriend we had been together off and on for a year. I knew I was ready when I did it. If you are ready I would say yes...BE SAFE! And guys don't lose respect for girls after a couple times of fucking(IMO) and if he does break-up with you....that was something you had to do to grow...&& gurlie guys don't care if you are not a virgin this is not 1866 lol....As long as you not "ran thru" someone will always be there.
Posted by MissInformative at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
...please continue to send questions&&topic suggestions.... to outspokengoddess@gmail.com
Posted by MissInformative at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Letter from 21 yr old Woman
Well....I recieved an email yesterdayy from a 21 yr old woman...(sorry i couldn't post it)...but to sum it up...she has been seeing someone for two months...she's become sexually involved with him and the sex i good...but she doesn't know where she stands with the guyy...when she confronts hym ask where theyy stand he tlks in circles..she wants to know should she stayy or go?............................................................................. Okay....I would say stay in a little bit longer!...Sometimes guyys dnt want to complicate things with titles hun....If you are getting great sex out of it kudos...cuz some girls are waiting for guys that cant even lay the pipe lol...But seriously i definitely feel you should give it a couple weeks and see where things are...*remember you can still browse the books since you aren't exclusive yet.* But don't wait to long for this one guyyMr.Right could be right in front of you;) Muah Much Love....Ouspoken Goddess <3
Posted by MissInformative at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
☺In Search of a Cougar☺
This letter was written by a 23 yr old guyyy...
Whats up,
I am 23 years old...and I live in Atlanta. I have been seeing this woman everyday for a good minute. ( She is 43)When I say see I mean I ride by her house on route to my grandfather's house. Anyways I finally built up enough courage to ask her out. She is very intelligent and insightful. I really like her but she keeps bringing up the age difference and refuses to give me the time of day. She wouldn't even give me her number. What should I do?
...Okayy well first off you should approach her differently...ask her about herself and speak to her on different level...After all she is two decades older than you hun...Make her feel comfortable talking to you...Don't ask her out again...Play it cool...Once you guyys have developed a friendship she will be more attracted to you....If she is truly what you want...You will take time and learn her.
Outspoken Goddess
Posted by MissInformative at 11:35 AM 0 comments
...New Stories...
Hello!!!!....I am reali encouraging people to send in stories and questions so I can get this blog on the roll....outspokengoddess@gmail.com....
Outspoken Goddess
Posted by MissInformative at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Welcome To MissInformative!!!
Hello, I am Outspoken Goddess...and I created this blog to entertain and inform young adults...This blog will contain my personal experiences...my close friends experiences....&& also those from my future readers...If you will like to share a story with me...send your stories and questions to outspokengoddess@gmail.com ...I will respond to every question that I can answer...Keep in mind what the blog focuses on(sex, self image, and personal beliefs)...I realli hope you follow this blog and enjoyy!♥♥♥....
OutspokenGoddess ☺
Posted by MissInformative at 12:48 PM 0 comments