Hey Readers…What’s up???... Sorry about my postings being so slow…I want my post to be well put together…I just don’t want to put any bullshyt up lol J…So over the weekend and yesterday…I thought about what my next post should be about!&& I came up with backstabbing friends!!!
My EX-best friend and I have known each other since Kindergarten…She and I have been through hell and back together…being each other’s support systems along the way…She and I fell out recently over some he say, she say bullshyt!...Anyways to give you some background on the story…She began dating a guy that neither her mother or grandmother approved of…She has been physically abused and verbally abused by him…I gave up on the whole situation up…until she came to visit me last Thursday…She and I had what I thought was a decent conversation…Anyways somehow it got back to the guys mother that I had said some bull about her only coming around because her nigga was on jail…1.) I could give a rat’s ass about their ghetto ass drama!!!!&&hood ass stories! 2.) I try not to keep drama in my daily routine (I burn a black candle every morning to keep the negativity away). But what really made my blood boil was the fact that she had lied on several of my family members…&& had the nerve to tell me that she didn’t like them…I don’t know what kind of family that bitch came from but my family and I stick together…We may have our own arguments but when it gets down to it…We are there for each other!...But since her nigga is a small time drug dealer( only sells weed…probably grossing a messily $300 a week[better off with a job]) she thinks she is hard…but like I have told her and man y other people…A nigga doesn’t make you hard!!!>>>You Just His Bitch! I’m not the hardest person in the world and I won’t flex about bullshyt like that either…My reputation is all ME!...People know how far to go with me cause of what I represent not some nigga…So my message to all my wonderful readers is to keep your eyes open for trifling tramps… L lol
Outspoken Goddess
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Posted by MissInformative at 11:56 AM