Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm Back

It has definitely been a minute since I have posted on this blog. I must say that I have definitely found stability and a decent guy that I can grow with. Even though he and I are not committed to each other, since we are at two different universities, I know that he has all the qualities that I desire. I have calmed down a lot. I've discovered that it's nothing like being with a person that you know has the same feelings that you possess. I know it looks like I have gone all soft and mushy....and I have. My wild days are long behind me and I'm more focused on myself and getting out of school within the next three years!

Sex and Relationships are still my favorite topics to discuss but I have discovered new aspects of the topics and broadened my views on a lot of things. A lot of people are telling me that I have changed and I'm not the same person that I was was. Truth is, I'm not! I'm a much better person that has learned a lot of things through experience. Therefore, everything I discuss and promote I have been through. Each guy that I have had some type of relationship with has taught me something that I could benefit from. Every relationship that we experience are meant to teach us and prepare us for the next person. If I wouldn't have experiences the heartaches, the bullshit, the assholes, the guys only after sex, and the cheaters....I would not be in this position that I am in. All those things made it easier for me to start something new and make it a definite success.
I am definitely going to start posting more often and discussing more things dealing with sex and relationships, opposed to just SEX!

Outspoken Goddess :-)