Friday, May 22, 2009

☺In Search of a Cougar☺

This letter was written by a 23 yr old guyyy...
Whats up,
I am 23 years old...and I live in Atlanta. I have been seeing this woman everyday for a good minute. ( She is 43)When I say see I mean I ride by her house on route to my grandfather's house. Anyways I finally built up enough courage to ask her out. She is very intelligent and insightful. I really like her but she keeps bringing up the age difference and refuses to give me the time of day. She wouldn't even give me her number. What should I do?

...Okayy well first off you should approach her differently...ask her about herself and speak to her on different level...After all she is two decades older than you hun...Make her feel comfortable talking to you...Don't ask her out again...Play it cool...Once you guyys have developed a friendship she will be more attracted to you....If she is truly what you want...You will take time and learn her.

Outspoken Goddess