Wednesday, June 3, 2009

☮♥Tips for the Ladies!!!!!!!! ☮♥

Okayy ladies,ladies,ladies....My close guyy friends have been giving us heat...I was talking to my best friend yesterday and he was telling me how we have been slipping!!!...I was totally thrown...I haven't been slipping...Have You???....Cuz one woman's actions affect us all lol....Here is the list that my friend made...along with my comments of course
* Make sure your pussy is clean!!!!!...Okay ladies you know this is a women we have t watch this...we get to jumping around and stuff and the coochie gets sweaty and a little we have to freshen up regularly...Cuz the fishy odor will creep up
*Make sure your undergarments match or at least the same color....Okayy i don't always wear matching sets but I am gonna be color coordinated...make sure you are matching...niggas look....&&theyy will get turned off of they see holes,string...and god forbid shit stains!!
*Make sure you aren't sweaty..When I'm licking your body I don't want to taste salt....Ladies keep it fresh!!!
*Let us know before we pull your hair that it is weave...LMAO ladies don't forget to tell him...cuz you will be riding home with half of ya shit missing...but if you are like me and don't like people's hands in your head...You don't have to worry lol
* Last but not least...Make sure you breath is on point.........Ladies keep some gum and breath mint...I always carry some gum..hell its only a quarter&&if that doesn't work see the doctor lol

Outspoken Goddess :)


The Black Stallion said...

Yeah..this list pretty much sums up the major stuff, but I'm going to throw one more in the mix. Chicks need to start trimming the coochie. You don't have to be bald down there. Just a nice little shape up will do the trick. Don't want to be picking hair out of my mouth after I go done on you.


"When I'm licking your body I don't want to taste salt."